ŠAVŠ/TAČR Digital Czechia in a Digital Europe


Cyberspace and Cyber Security in the Czech Republic Michal Bokša Digitalization and e-Government undoubtedly provide a large number of advantages and benefits. The total contribution of the Internet economy to the gross domestic product (GDP) of the Czech Republic (CR) already reached 4.13% in 2015. Between 2011 and 2015 alone, there was an increase of 15% from an initial CZK 164 billion to CZK 188 billion, with the largest part of the contribution (175 billion, i.e. 3.85 percentage points) being the information and communication technology (ICT) sector. The rest is then represented by segments such as e-commerce or the information and media sector. 1 Assuming that the Internet economy of the Czech Republic grew at the same rate until 2019, then this segment should represent up to CZK 216 billion today. These data are also supported by data from Czech households, of which up to 80% have access to the Internet. 2 In addition, up to 98% of Czech companies were already connected to the Internet in 2015, i.e. 3 percentage points above the European Union average. Such a growing access to the Internet is subsequently reflected in the daily content of work activities, when almost 40% of Czech employees use a computer with Internet access to work. 3 In addition, 52% of Czech internet users use internet banking services, and the same percentage shop online. 4 ICT is thus impacting upon today’s society in a significant way. Not only does it open the door to greater business and production efficiency, but it also makes it easier for regular users to access a wider range of services. Reliable operation and integration of new technologies – based on the Internet space – thus becomes an indispensable factor for the proper functioning of society. However, this also creates a significant degree of dependence on these technologies; dependence, which will undoubtedly increase with their further development and expansion. From the point of view of the cyber security of the Czech Republic, there is 1 Selection of studies, Association for Internet Development, 2016, see http://www.studiespir.cz/vyber-ze- studie/. 2 Information society in numbers– 2018, Czech Statistical Office Chapter B households, 27/03/2018, see https://www.czso.cz/documents/10180/61601892/061004-18_B.pdf/7095613a-8000-40d8-a8f9- a00a0369a442?version=1.0. 3 Czech internet economy 2016, Association for Internet Development, 2016, see http://www.studiespir. cz/download/Ceska_internetova_ekonomika_2016.pdf. 4 Hanžlová Jitka, Přístup k internetu mají více než tři čtvrtiny domácností, přibývá uživatelů mobilního internetu, iRozshlas, 20/11/2017, see https://www.irozhlas.cz/zpravy-domov/pristup-k-internetu-maji- vice-nez-tri-ctvrtiny-domacnosti-pribyva-uzivatelu_1711201520_mis.

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