Prague, Czechia

correlated with most macroeconomic indicators, including the level of foreign direct investment, because through standardized business and a corporate culture of a developed high degree of business transparency and, of course, corporate social responsibility, which by definition includes respect for the principles of competition law that are enshrined in the statutes of modern companies. A negative correlation was recognized between the index of corruption and the effectiveness of competition policy in Bosnia and Herzegovina, because with the growth of corrupt activities, the capacity of institutions and the rule of law in general and antitrust law in particular decreases. Of course, if the regression models of single linear regression between the mentioned variables are simulated by setting macroeconomic variables as predictor / independent variables in the model and the antimonopoly policy effectiveness index as a dependent variable, through the analysis of the obtained regression equations through earlier correlation analysis. In this paper, the intention was not to test the significance of individual relations in the classical hypothetical sense, but primarily to review the logic of thinking and decision-making economic policy and the functioning of individual institutions, noting that over a period of time or rather positive externalities in different segments. This means that in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as a small open economy, through the dedicated work of key decision makers related to economic policy through the adoption and implementation of certain laws can improve key parameters that affect the decision of certain corporations where to invest and certain countries decision with whom they will cooperate. Given the analysed correlations of macroeconomic indicators and the Antimonopoly Policy Efficiency Index, taking into account the findings that the COVID 19 pandemic had a negative impact on GDP (United Nations, 2020), FDI (United Nations, 2021), the quality of the education system (Schleicher, 2020) and the increased risk of corruption (Terziev, Georgiev and Bankov, 2020), it can be concluded that the COVID 19 pandemic had a negative impact on the effectiveness of competition policy. References [1] Clarke, J. L. (2003). Competition Policy and Foreign Direct Investment [online]. [cit. 2021-11-13]. Available at: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefind mkaj/viewer.html? pers%2Fclarke.pdf&clen=75528&chunk=true. [2] De Oliveira, G., Hochstetler, R. and Kalil, C. (2001). Competition Policy and For eign Direct Investment: Possible Relationships and Aspects From The Recent Brazil ian Experience [online]. [cit. 2021-11-15]. Available at: chrome-extension://efaid nbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/viewer.html?pdfurl=https%3A%2F%2Fbiblioteca-


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