1st ICAI 2020

International Conference on Automotive Industry 2020

Mladá Boleslav, Czech Republic

4. Possible Economic Consequences Undoubtedly, one of the biggest impacts of the massification of autonomous vehicles will be on the individual paid transport of passengers, and, mainly, on the drivers who work in this activity. In fact, the activity of taxi driver or driver of services like Uber, is in serious risk of disappearing completely, since the artificial intelligence present in the vehicle is able to fully replace the function of driving passengers between two points of the city. On the other hand, companies like Uber and car rental companies tend to offer the same type of service, that is, car rental. In fact, the service offered by the current rental companies tends to undergo many changes, since it would no longer be necessary to rent a vehicle for days in a row, since it can be used only when effectively necessary, that is, on demand. In addition, people transportation companies, such as taxi companies and Uber, will have their labor costs significantly reduced and, in theory, they will be able to offer cheaper transportation services, which may even be another incentive for people stop buying vehicles. Another sector that may also be quite impacted is that of vehicle manufacturers and its entire logistics chain. In fact, with the existence of autonomous vehicles, many families will not see the need to purchase a vehicle for each of its members. The same car can serve several people, at different times, along the day. In fact, it is not difficult to envision even arrangements in which the same car will be used in a more flexible way, such as among neighbors, friends, etc. Finally, it is worth noting the fact that autonomous automobiles tend to increase the productivity of workers. It is estimated that in São Paulo each trip by car uses an average of 32 minutes. As, at a minimum, each “outward” trip generates the need for a return, it can be said that, on average, São Paulo car drivers spend more than an hour a day inside their vehicles. Obviously, with the advancement of wireless internet technologies and the increase in the capacity and functionality of devices such as tablets and portable computers, this time can be used much more productively by its former drivers. It should be noted that, even though this time is not spent working, just because it discourages drivers today from the need to drive, the use of autonomous vehicles means that they can arrive more relaxed and less stressed at their workplace, which, in theory, would increase its productivity. Of course, the impact of reducing stress and tiredness will be even more positive for workers who spend many hours behind the wheel, visiting different parts of the city. 5. Possible Legal Consequences From a legal point of view, the autonomous vehicle will be an excellent example of implementing the social function of the property, since this robotic car will reduce the level of idle vehicles and will improve efficiency in the use of means of transport. Great perplexity will cause jurists to define the legal regime around vehicles, when those with level 4 of automation start to travel on the streets of cities, without the presence of a driver. Of course, it will not be possible to consider civil, criminal or


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