1st ICAI 2020

International Conference on Automotive Industry 2020

Mladá Boleslav, Czech Republic

adapting the right way of communication can have impact on the increase of their competitiveness.

4. Conclusion This research presents a value concept framework for understanding the customers´ perception of value and approaching to their process of making preferences and decisions. Several interviews were realized to obtain the relevant data and the grounded theory method was used for exploring the important factors in coding process. The defined factors and their categories were subsequently identified with the relationship of the concept of values – functional, financial, individual, social. The pilot study confirmed the importance of focusing on this field of research and provided the basis for expanding and developing our research. Acknowledgements This paper was created within the project TA ČR Digital transformation for business model innovation in small and medium-sized companies in the Czech Republic. Project registration number TL02000215. References [1] Brodie, R. J., Hollebeek, L. D., Juric, B., and Ilic, A. (2011). Customer engagement: conceptual domain, fundamental propositions, and implications for research . Journal of Service Research , 1094670511411703. [2] Bryant, A. and Charmaz, K. (ed.). The Sage handbook of grounded theory. Sage , 2007. [3] Cheung, C., Lee, M., and Jin, X. (2011). Customer engagement in an online social platform: A conceptual model and scale development. ICIS 2011 Proceedings . Paper 8. [4] Diep, V. C. S. and Sweeney, J. C. (2008). Shopping trip value: do stores and products matter? Journal of retailing and consumer services , 15.5: 399-409. [5] Doyle, P. (2000). Value-based marketing. Journal of Strategic Marketin g, 8.4, pp. 299- 311. [6] Hanson, D. et al. (2016). Strategic management: Competitiveness and globalisation . Cengage AU. ISBN 978-0-170-37315-9 [7] Hitt, M. A., Ireland, R. D., and Hoskisson, R. E. (2007 ). Strategic management: competitiveness and globalization . 7th ed. Mason, OH: Thomson/South-Western. ISBN 978-0-538-75309-8 [8] Hitt, M. A., Ireland, M. D., and Sirmon, D. G. (2011). Strategic entrepreneurship: creating value for individuals, organizations, and society. Academy of management perspectives , 25.2: pp. 57-75. ISBN 1-111-8258-74 [9] Holbrook, M.B. (1999). Consumer Value: A Framework for Analysis and Research. Psychology Press. ISBN 978-0-415-19193-7


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