KMP PrF UK 2013-2016
URBANOVÁ, Kristýna. Příkaz nadřízeného a stíhání válečných zločinů. In BÍLKOVÁ, Veronika (ed.), Meziná- rodní humanitární právo – vznik, vývoj a nové výzvy, Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Praha, 2015, str. 7-23. URBANOVÁ, Kristýna. Právo na secesi v souvislosti se situací v Kosovu a na Krymu. In ŠTURMA, Pavel (ed.) a kol. Mezinárodní právo a státní území, Praha: PF UK, 2015. Dr. Beránek BERÁNEK, Milan. List of Ratified International Treaties. In Czech Yearbook of Public and Private Internatio- nal Law, Vol. 6. Prague: Czech Society of International Law, 2015. ISBN 978-80-87488-23-2. BERÁNEK, Milan. List of Ratified International Treaties. In Czech Yearbook of Public and Private Internatio- nal Law, Vol. 5. Prague: Czech Society of International Law, 2014. ISBN 978-80-87488-09-6. BERÁNEK, Milan. List of Ratified International Treaties. In Czech Yearbook of Public and Private Internatio- nal Law, Vol. 4. Prague: Czech Society of International Law, 2013, pages 153-171. ISBN 978-80-87488-11-9. Dr. Caban CABAN, Pavel. Universal Jurisdiction under Customary International Law, International Conventions and Criminal Law of the Czech Republic: Comments; in: Czech Yearbook of Public and Private International Law, Vol. 4. Prague: Czech Society of International Law, 2013, pp. 173-200. ISBN 978-80-87488-11-9. CABAN, Pavel. Rozhodnutí Mezinárodního soudního dvora OSN o imunitě států v případě civilních žalob plynoucích ze závažných porušení lidských práv v rámci ozbrojených konfliktů; in: Jurisprudence, 2013, č. 2, str. 22 – 27. CABAN, Pavel. Diplomatic Protection and Other Mechanisms for the Protection of the Individual Against Serious Human Rights Violations: Limiting the Discretion; in: Czech Yearbook of Public and Private Inter- national Law, Vol. 5. Prague: Czech Society of International Law, 2014, pp. 168-180. ISBN 978-80-87488-17-1. CABAN, Pavel. The Definition of the Crime of Aggression – Entry into Force and the Exercise of the Court’s Ju- risdiction over this Crime; in: Czech Yearbook of Public and Private International Law, Vol. 6. Prague: Czech Society of International Law, 2015, pp. 61-76. ISBN 978-80-87488-23-2. CABAN, Pavel. Gaps in the Legal Regime of Interstate Cooperation in Prosecuting Crimes Under International Law; in: Czech Yearbook of Public and Private International Law, Vol. 6. Prague: Czech Society of International Law, 2015, pp. 289-311. ISBN 978-80-87488-23-2. CABAN, Pavel. Immunity of State Officials from Foreign Criminal Jurisdiction ‒ Exceptions to Immunity Rati- one Materiae; in: Czech Yearbook of Public & Private International Law, Vol. 7. Prague: Czech Society of Inter- national Law, 2016, pp. 306 – 329. ISBN 978-80-87488-26-3
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