New Technologies in International Law / Tymofeyeva, Crhák et al.

There are currently several AI software technologies which are capable to create a realistic looking photograph or to edit the existing photograph in a way that it significantly changes its content. This might be potentially a big risk of the AI technologies in connection to the prohibition of discrimination because when these technologies are misused, for example in order to support war propaganda, they might have enormous impact on influencing public opinion. 871 There stems another problem from the technological possibilities of these technologies. That is a misuse of the AI systems for the purpose of creating fake news which have significant impact on forming and influencing public opinion. It might be benefiting, if there is launched some information campaigns which would offer easily understandable information to the public. The people should be able to learn about the most important aspects of use the AI in order for them being able to distinguish the most important areas related to the AI, and its impact to human rights protection. Or perhaps there could be at least included some sort of mandatory note informing the readers that the content is not verified, and that the information might be misleading. 872 There might be also a concern regarding right to privacy including privacy of communication when it comes to the military AI telecommunication technologies which are used to improve warning systems. The AI systems can be used as a spyware which can monitor the daily activities of civilians and to collect the data about potential preparation, pursuing, supporting or least but not last financing the terrorist activities of Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad. The infiltration of the terrorists among civilian inhabitants, in the civilian objects including the civilians who live in the refugee camps is one of the common and generally known problems. 873 The spyware might interfere with the right to private life and from the perspective of the international law, therefore it should be always well evaluated, how proportional is it in the context of the security threads Israel deals with. On one hand, it might be reasonable for the IDF to use these technologies as it might appear proportional considering the huge security threads, armed and terrorist attacks that Israel has been facing ever since. On the other hand, since it is not an option for the people using the technologies to choose whether their communication can or cannot be monitored for the security purposes, there should be at least provided a clear as well as brief information to the users, so they are aware of the terms and conditions of the services they use. Another concern of AI might be in connection to right to work , in other words to the job market and employment. Such a concern is not completely new, similar concern was raised during the industrial revolution in 18 th and 19 th century. The development of the AI could create new jobs for people, improve the efficiency in industry and services, 871 ‘AI has made the Israel Hamas misinformation epidemic much, much worse’ ( Rolling Stone , 2023) accessed 1 November 2023; ‘Pro-Hamas narratives on social media getting pushed by fake accounts firm says’ ( Fox Business , 2023) accessed 01 November 2023; ‘Social media platforms swamped with fake news on Israeli Hamas war’ ( Al Jazeera , 2023) accessed 1 November 2023. 872 ‘How we address misinformation on X’ ( X Help Centre ) accessed 25 November 2023. 873 ‘The Gaza Metro: The mysterious subterranean tunnel network used by Hamas’ ( CNN , 2023) accessed 21 October 2023.


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