New Technologies in International Law / Tymofeyeva, Crhák et al.

“judgments” from one side, and the litigants (Actors who file a case and ask for judicial services) as a demander from another side. 138 Overall, it aims to show how the digital transformation of the judicial system could affect positively on access to justice? In other words, do countries implementing Digital transformation observe a positive effect on Access to justice or not? 139 In this study, the data was selected based on availability (2016-2018). Also, the lack of clear and consistent data on DT/ICT has often hindered the researcher‘s ability to examine more data and results and affected the selection of the other different variables. This research used cross-sectional data analysis of 40 countries between 2016–2018. 1. The importance of Digital Transformation and its development Definition of DT and its Importance Digital Transformation (DT) is defined multiple times in literature. It is “Set of scientific methods, theories and techniques whose aim is to reproduce, by a machine, the cognitive abilities of human beings in the justice context”. 140 In such context, we could define the DT/ICT as the insertion of technology in the judicial organs in order to improve its performance, facilitate access and usage, and then achieve the efficiency and economy of justice. It could be financed by public and private sectors. (See Figure 1) 1.1

Figure 1

138 Voigt C, Havlik D, Vogler M and Leo H, ‘Crowdsourcing and Microlearning Voigt et al 2013-libre’ (October 2014) . 139 Rosales V, ‘Economics of Court Performance: An Empirical Analysis’ (2008) 25 Journal of Law and Economics 231, pp. 231–251. 140 Ibid, also See .


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