QFS 2016 Book of Abstracts
T1 Cryogenic Techniques and Low Temperature Properties of Matter Christian Enns Heidelberg University, Germany The most common method for producing temperatures well below one Kelvin is the 3 He/ 4 He dilution refrigerator. If equipped with a well-designed nuclear demagnetization stage such systems can reach temperatures in the low microkelvin range. We will discuss some basic aspects of these cooling techniques and will point out recent developments. In addition, methods to measure very low temperatures are presented, again with an emphasis on new techniques. Since the first liquefaction of helium many fascinating properties of matter at low temperatures have been discovered. A brief overview will be given, while highlighting a few specific examples.
T2 Bose condensation and superfluidity in liquid 4 He William Vinen University of Birmingham, UK
A description of the superfluid properties of liquid 4 He at temperatures below the lambda-transition (metastable frictionless flow, two-fluid effects, and the quantization of superfluid circulation) will be followed by an account of the way in which Bose condensation in a system of interacting particles can lead to such properties.
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