QFS 2016 Book of Abstracts
O1.5 NMR for
3 He in the 1D state in nanochannels -possible
Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid 3 He Taku Matsushita(1), Ryosuke Shibatsuji(1), Kazunori Amaike(1), Mitsunori Hieda(1,2), Nobuo Wada(1) 1) Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University, Nagoya 464-8602, Japan 2) College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Ichikawa 272-0827, Japan We have investigated 3 He adsorbed in 2.4nm 1D channels preplated with 4 He by pulsed NMR down to 70mK, where dilute 3 He crossovers to the 1D state below the temperature corresponding to the excitation Δ 01 of azimuthal motion. Susceptibilities of 3 He suggest 1D crossover below 0.5K for dilute 3 He and 1D degenerate states for 3 He above 0.02 layers. For 3 He in the 1D state below 0.03 layers, the spin-spin relaxation times T 2 are proportional to 1/T below 0.12K. Since low-T T2 becomes constant at higher densities where the Fermi energy exceeds Δ 01 , the low-T increase of T 2 is characteristic of the 3 He 1D state. The 1/T dependence is also that proposed for possible 1D Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid. O1.6 The study of ordered Al 2 O 3 aerogel by magnetic resonance methods at low temperatures Tagirov Murat(1,2), Alakshin Egor(1), Klochkov Alex(1), Kuzmin Vyacheslav(1), Mamin Georgiy(1), Orlinskii Sergey(1), Rodionov Alex(1), Safiullin Kajum(1), Stanislavovas Andrey(1), Zakharov Mikhail(1) (1) Kazan Federal University, Institute of Physics, 420008, Kremlevskaya 18 Kazan, Russia (2) Institute of Perspective Research, TAS, 420111, L. Bulachnaya 36a Kazan, Russia Samples of oriented Al 2 O 3 aerogel are studied by the EPR and NMR techniques. At least two types of paramagnetic centers interacting with Al nuclei on the surface of aerogel are revealed. The X-ray irradiation forms induced paramagnetic centers, which interact with protons located on the surface of aerogel. The spin kinetics of 3 He in contact with oriented aerogels has been studied in the temperature range of 1.5 – 4.2 K. The significant difference in the relaxation times dependences on magnetic field and amount of 3 He in the NMR cell from the cases of previously studied net-like and powder SiO 2 aerogels has been observed. The model of magnetic relaxation process for 3 He nuclei is proposed.
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