QFS 2016 Book of Abstracts
O1.10 Superconductivity and Quantum Critical Behavior in the antiferromagnetically ordered Heavy Fermion Compound Ce 3 PtIn 11 J. Prokleˇska(1), M. Kratochv´ılov´a(1), K. Uhl´ıˇrov´a(1), V. Sechovsk´y(1), J. Custers(1) 1) Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, DCMP, Ke Karlovu 5, 121 16 Praha 2, Czech Republic Dimensionality plays a crucial role in the character of a magnetic quantum critical point (QCP). In order to understand how the physics is influenced when going from 3D to 2D Kondo structures the Ce n T m In 3 n +2 m (T = transition metal, n=1, 2,..; m = 0, 1,..) family offers an alternative to otherwise artificially grown lattices, with cubic CeIn 3 at the 3D and CeCoIn 5 as an example of the opposite (2D) end of the series. Here we discuss results on single crystals of Ce 3 PtIn 11 located in between. At ambient pressure the compound undergoes two successive antiferromagnetic (AFM) transitions at T 1 = 2 . 17 K and T N = 2 K . Superconductivity emerges in the complex AFM state below T c =0.32K. Both phenomena coexist in a wide range of the pressure – temperature phase diagrams. The critical pressure to reach the QCP ( T N = 0) equals p c 1 . 3 GPa . O1.11 Nuclear spin driven dynamics in non-equilibrium disordered quantum systems Annina Luck, Andreas Reiser, Andreas Fleischmann, Christian Enss Kirchhoff Institute for Physics, Heidelberg University, INF 227, D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany The investigation of non-equilibrium disordered quantum systems with novel experimental techniques have resulted in fundamentally new insights of their dynamics. In particular, the importance of nuclear spins as surprisingly active degrees of freedom at ultra-low temperatures has been revealed in recent measurements on amorphous solids. These new findings are of high relevance to many quantum devices, like quantum dots, qubits, SQUIDs, nano-mechanical systems and quantum limited amplifiers. We present the experimental evidence for a nuclear spin driven dynamics in non-equilibrium disordered quantum systems and discuss a possible theoretical framework for such a mechanism.
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