QFS 2016 Book of Abstracts
P1.12 The dynamics of HD adsorbed on MCM-41: NMR studies Huan Chao, Hamida Jaha, Sullivan Neil Department of Physics, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA Nuclear spin-spin and nuclear spin-lattice relaxation times of a monolayer of HD molecules adsorbed on MCM-41 were measured with pulsed NMR in the temperature range of 1 . 5 < T < 20 K . We observed two distinctly different thermally activated processes of the HD molecule motions in the MCM-41 sample. For 5 < T < 8 . 8 K , the molecule motions are characterized by a slow diffusion process, which is followed by a fast diffusion process for 8 . 9 < T < 12 K . The molecule motion is dominated by liquid-like behavior above 12 K. The NMR results are discussed with a simple model that describes cluster motion at low temperature and single molecule motion at high temperature. Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore - 560012, India. A quasiclassical approach is employed to theoretically investigate a new state based on spin orbit density wave (SODW) order suggested as a potential mechanism for the hidden-order phase in the heavy fermion compound URu 2 Si 2 by T. Das [1]. A formalism is set up using a Hamiltonian including spin-orbit coupling and a Fermi surface nesting condition postulated in the latter. Preliminary results show the gapped structure of the density of states induced by the SOC and FS topology even in the absence of off-diagonal interactions. This quasiclassical machinery can be used to derive spin-dependent transport in the SODW state in this system. [1] T. Das, Phys. Rev. B 89 , 045135(2014). P1.13 Quasiclassical Approach to a SODW state in URu 2 Si 2 Priya Sharma
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