QFS 2016 Book of Abstracts
P1.27 Nanofluidic structures for the study of mesoscopic topological superfluidity Xavier Rojas(1), Andrew Casey(1), Petri J. Heikkinen P.(1), Lev V. Levitin(1), TS Abhilash(2), Nikolay Zhelev(2), Jeevak Parpia(2), John Saunders(1) 1) Royal Holloway University of London, Department of Physics, TW20 0EX Egham, United Kingdom 2) Department of Physics, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853, USA The confinement of liquid helium-3 into nanofluidic structures of precisely defined geometry and surface conditions, enables the stabilization of specific phases (e.g. superfluid 3 He-A, 3 He-B or normal Fermi liquid). This opens the way to the sculpture of hybrid nanofluidic structures for the investigation of mesoscopic topological superfluidity. We present some designs, which exploit the ability to create clean junctions between phases. We propose methods for the study of thermal transport, targeted towards a study of the proximity effect in SNS junctions and the detection of predicted edge states in chiral superfluid 3 He-A. P1.28 Self-generated oscillations of the electron density in a photo-excited electron gas on liquid helium Nasyedkin Kostyantyn(1), Kono Kimitoshi(1,2,3) 1) RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science, Wako, Saitama, Japan 2) Institute of Physics, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan 3) Institute of Physics, Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia We study self-generated oscillations (SGO) of the electron density which emerge in the photo-excited electron gas on liquid helium under the zero-resistance state regime. We use the Corbino geometry sample cell with the outer ring electrode divided into 4 segments and record the ac transient current from each segment simultaneously. The cross-correlation analysis of the recorded data shows a phase shift between the current oscillations for different segments that implies the existence of the charge flow in an azimuthal direction. The charge flow changes its direction when a polarity of the magnetic field is changed and coincides with the direction of the edge magnetoplasmons propagation.
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