QFS 2016 Book of Abstracts
P1.31 Microfabrication of Multi-Slit Structures for Studies of Quasi-2 Dimensional Topological Superfluid 3 He Tani Tomoyuki(1), Murakawa Satoshi(2), Wada Ryoma(1), Yamada Kaito(3), Itoh Kohei(3), Mita Yoshio(4), Shirahama Keiya(1) 1) Keio University, Department of Physics, Japan 2) University of Tokyo, Cryogenics Research Center, Japan 3) Keio University, Department of Applied Physics and Physico-Informatics, Japan 4) University of Tokyo, Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Systems Superfluid 3 He has been attracting much interest as a topological superfluid. Confinement of 3 He into well-defined slit geometries enables us to perform ultrasound experiments of topological properties, such as edge-related surface collective (Higgs) modes, and flow experiments, such as phase slippage by half-quantum vortices. We report fabrication of multiple micro-slit structures through a thin Si layer of SOI chips, where the slit dimensions are 1 μ m × 100 μ m × 50 μ m, by semiconductor processing techniques including Reactive Ion Etchings. The method and result of our microfabrication and prospective experiments are discussed. P1.32 Escape Rates of Surface-State Electrons on Liquid Helium Film Y. C. Sun(1), K. Kono(1, 2, 3) 1) RIKEN, Center for Emergent Matter Science, Wako, Japan 2) Institute of Physics, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu 30010, Taiwan 3) Institute of Physics, Kazan Federal University, Kazan 420008, Russia While the escape of electrons is proposed to be a readout mechanism of a quantum-bit on the basis of the ground and the first-excited surface-states of electrons on liquid He, we measured the escape rates of surface-state electrons on liquid helium film with a STM-like tip at around 1.5K. We use a microchannel device with upper and bottom electrodes to control the initial electron density ( ≈ 10 8 cm − 2 ) on the helium film surface, and the adjustable tip is placed above the surface with tens of μ m distance. The electric field dependent escape rates are presented here, and methods for detecting different rates are also developed.
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