QFS 2016 Book of Abstracts
I2.3 Electrohydrodynamic effects in superfluid 4 He Petr Moroshkin RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science, Japan
We inject large quantities of electrically charged impurity particles into superfluid 4 He that can influence the properties and the dynamics of the superfluid. Applied large static electric field induces the motion of the charged superfluid and perturbations of the liquid surface that can be captured by a fast video camera. We observe several electrohydrodynamic phenomena that so far had not been addressed in relation to superfluid helium: electroconvection, formation of bubbles, surface waves, quasistatic dimples and humps (Taylor cones), jet emission (electrospraying), as well as a shuttle motion of charged microparticles and their trapping at the free surface of the liquid. I2.4 Electron bubbles and Weyl Fermions in chiral superfluid 3 He-A Shevtsov Oleksii, Sauls James Northwestern University, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Evanston, IL 60208 USA The A phase of 3 He is a chiral superfluid that spontaneously breaks parity and time-reversal symmetries. This was beautifully demonstrated by the observation of an anomalous Hall mobility of electron bubbles by the RIKEN group. We present the theory of the anomalous Hall effect for negative ions in superfluid 3 He-A, based on a full quantum mechanical treatment of multiple scattering of Bogoliubov quasiparticles by ions embedded in the chiral superfluid. Quantum interference leads to the transverse force on the ions. Our results are in quantitative agreement with the RIKEN experiments, providing a microscopic view of the underlying processes responsible for the anomalous Hall effect.
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