QFS 2016 Book of Abstracts
Program Overview
Robert Richardson Session
Chair: George Pickett
9:00 I2.1
Richard Haley
Breaking the superfluid speed limit
9:45 I2.2
Yutaka Sasaki
Visualizing textural domain walls in superfluid 3 He by magnetic resonance imaging
10:15 O2.1 Miroslaw Brewczyk
Thermal solitons in a quasi-1D Bose gas as revealed by studying static structure factor
Laszlo Tisza Session
Chair: Eckhard Krotscheck
11:00 O2.4
Moses Chan
Mass flow through thin solid helium samples
11:30 O2.2 Zhigang Cheng
Defect motions in quantum solids with spins
11:45 O2.5 Igor Todoshchenko
Waves on quantum surfaces
12:00 O2.6
Emil Polturak
Atomic force microscopy of solid He
12:15 O2.7
Izumi Iwasa
Nonlinear ultrasound propagation in solid 4 He due to pinning and unpinning of dislocations by 3 He
Walter Kohn Session
Chair: Paul Leiderer
14:00 I2.3
Petr Moroshkin
Electrohydrodynamic effects in superfluid 4 He
14:30 I2.4
Oleksii Shevtsov
Electron bubbles and weyl fermions in chiral superfluid 3 He-A
15:00 O2.8
Hiroki Ikegami
Mobility of electrons on 3 He- 4 He mixture
15:15 O2.9
David Rees
Stick-slip motion of a single electron chain on the surface of liquid helium
15:30 O2.10 Ambarish Ghosh
Studying the shape and stability of multielectron bubbles in liquid helium under externally applied electrical fields
15:45 O2.11 Hayder Salman
Mobility of electron bubbles in superfluid Helium
16:30 P2
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