QFS 2016 Book of Abstracts
O3.4 Ultraquantum decay of strongly nonequilibrated BEC turbulence G.W. Stagg, N.G. Parker, and C.F. Barenghi School of Mathematics and Statistics and Joint Quantum Centre Durham-Newcastle, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU, United Kingdom Following Berloff and Svistunov (2002) we study the emergence of a macroscopically coherent condensate from the cooling of a thermal gas of weakly-interacting bosons. Starting from a uniformy occupied highly nonequilibrated condition, we track the growth of the low k modes which feature a tangle of quantised vortex lines. Analysis of vortex line density, incompressible energy spectrum and correlation function suggests that the tangle is a random flow without large scale structures similar to the ultraquantum turbulence of Walmsley and Golov (2008) and the counterflow turbulence first observed by Vinen. O3.5 Inhomogeneous quantum turbulence in a channel Makoto Tsubota, Satoshi Yui, Shinichi Ikawa Department of Physics, Osaka City University, Osaka 558-8585, Japan We discuss the numerical simulation of inhomogeneous quantum turbulence in a square channel. The recent visualization experiments revealed inhomogeneous flow profile in a channel. We discuss three topics. One is inhomogeneous structure and dynamics of vortices in thermal counterflow[1]. The second is superfluid boundary layer in pure normal flow, where we found the logarithmic velocity profile of superfluid velocity [2]. The last is coflow turbulence. The simulation finds a novel behavior that vortices are dragged into an attractor by the mutual friction [3]. [1] S. Yui, M. Tsubota, Phys. Rev. B91, 174504(2015). [2] S. Yui, K. Fujimoto, M. Tsubota, Phys. Rev. B92, 224513(2015). [3] S. Ikawa, M. Tsubota, Phys. Rev. B93, 184508 (2016).
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