QFS 2016 Book of Abstracts
I3.3 Topology, emergent Ising order, and spontaneous symmetry breaking in superfluid 3 He-B Takeshi Mizushima Department of Materials Engineering Science, Osaka University, Toyonaka, Osaka 560-8531, Japan Superfluid 3 He serves as a rich repository of topological quantum phenomena, and the marriage of the prototypical topological superfluid with nanofabrication techniques brings about a rich variety of spontaneous symmetry breaking, such as a variety of Nambu-Goldstone modes and Higgs modes. In this talk, I review the recent progress on understanding the nontrivial topological structure and symmetry breaking of superfluid 3 He. This includes the emergence of Majorana fermions, their quantum mass acquisition at the topological critical point, and new bosonic modes bound to the surface. A key ingredient to understand these novel phenomena is the emergence of the Ising order. I show that the emergent Ising order spontaneously forms the domain wall by increasing a magnetic field across the topological critical point.
O3.8 Spontaneous helical order of Cooper pairs in liquid 3 He Wiman Joshua(1), Sauls J. A.(1) 1) Northwestern University, Department of Physics & Astronomy
Confined liquid 3 He is predicted to have superfluid phases which spontaneously break the translational symmetry of their confining geometry. We predict a superfluid phase with helical order that is energetically stable within narrow cylindrical channels near Tc and at both high and low pressures. This helical order is manifest in the supercurrent, which traces out a double-helix. Using a strong-coupling Ginzburg-Landau (GL) theory that accurately reproduces the bulk phase diagram, we present the phase diagram, including 5 other superfluid phases, as a function of temperature, pressure, channel radius, and surface conditions. We also discuss the transverse NMR signatures of this phase.
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