QFS 2016 Book of Abstracts
Program Overview
Vitaly Ginzburg Session
Chair: Yuri Bunkov
9:00 I4.1
Eddy Collin
Nanomechanical beams for sub-coherence length studies in superfluid 3 He
9:30 O4.1
Sergey Kafanov
Nanomechanical double clamped beam for probing quantum fluids
9:45 O4.2 Frantiˇsek Vavrek
High Q-value quartz tuning fork in vacuum as a potential thermometer in millikelvin temperature range
10:00 O4.3
Fabien Souris
Dissipation mechanisms in a superfluid micromechanical resonator
An Qu
Observation of metastable solid and superfluid helium-4 around 1 K
10:15 O4.4
Chair: Pertti Hakonen
Norbert Mulders Session
11:00 I4.2 Vladimir Dmitriev
NMR studies of superfluid polar phase of 3 He
11:30 I4.3
Jeevak Parpia
The A-B transition for superfluid 3 He confined to a 1.08 micrometer tall geometry
12:00 O4.5
Samuli Autti
Experiments on topological defects in a Dirac superfluid
12:15 O4.6
Man Nguyen
Pressure dependence of the phase diagram of superfluid 3 He in the presence of anisotropic disorder
Chair: Yuri Sergeev
Konrad Bajer Session
14:00 I4.4
Yong-il Shin
Dynamics of half-quantum vortices in a spinor Bose-Einstein condensate
14:30 O4.7
Enrico Fonda
Quantized vortices following reconnections
14:45 O4.8
Edouard Sonin
Magnus force on vortex in superfluids without Galilean invariance: BEC in optical lattice
15:00 O4.9 Luca Galantucci
Vortex reconnections and rebounds in trapped Bose Einstein condensates
15:15 O4.10 Davide Proment
Evolution of a superfluid vortex filament tangle driven by the Gross-Pitaevskii equation
15:30 O4.11 Pertti Hakonen
Graphene resonators in studies of quantum fluids
15:45 O4.12 Francesco Ancilotto
Superfluid behavior of quasi-1D parahydrogen inside carbon nanotube
16:30 P4
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