ŠAVŠ Studie 2019
Prameny Čižinská, R. & Krabec, T. (2019) Empirical analysis of the market value added in the Czech automotive industry. In 87th International Atlantic Economic Conference. Athens: International Atlantic Economic Society, 2019. URL: https://iaes.confex.com/ iaes/87am/webprogram/Paper15004.html Čižinská, R. & Krabec, T. (2019) The Return on Equity Puzzle: An Empirical Analy- sis of Return on Equity in the Czech Automotive Industry. In Winter Global Business Conference and Winter Global Education, Teaching and Learning Conference Proce- edings. Tignes: Innovation Institute, 2019, s. 57-62. ISSN 2584-6302. Čižinská, R. (2018). Základy finančního řízení podniku. Praha: Grada. Damodaran, A. (2018). Damodaran online. Data. [online]. Dostupné z:
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