ŠAVŠ Studie 2019
Pavlínek, P., a Ženka, J. 2010. Upgrading in the automotive industry: firm-level evi- dence from Central Europe. Journal of Economic Geography , lbq023 Pavlínek, P., a Žížalová, P. 2014. Linkages and spillovers in global production ne- tworks: firm-level analysis of the Czech automotive industry. Journal of Economic Ge- ography 14(1), 1–33. Pavlínek, P., a Ženka, J. 2015. Value creation and value capture in the automoti- ve industry: Empirical evidence from Czechia. Environment and Planning A , 0308518X15619934. Porter, M. E. 1985. Competitive advantage: creating and sustaining superior advantage . STURGEON, T., KAWAKAMI, M. 2010. Global Value Chains in the Electronics In- dustry: Was The Crisis a Window of Opportunity for Developing Countries? Washington: World Bank. Policy Research Working Paper No. 5417. Available at: https://papers. ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1676652. Sturgeon, T. J., Memedovic, O., Van Biesebroeck, J., a Gereffi, G. 2008. Globalisation of the automotive industry: main features and trends. International Journal of Techno- logical Learning, Innovation and Development , 2 (1-2), 7-24. UN COMTRADE 2016. UN COMTRADE Database [online database]. https://com- trade.un.org. Vlčková J. 2015. Measuring GVCs and Policy Implications. How to Benefit from Global Value Chains. In: Vlčková J. How to Benefit from Global Value Chains? – Implications for the V4 Countries [online] . Prague: Oeconomica, 7-37. ISBN 978-80-245-2111-4. Dostupné z: http://ces.vse.cz/english/wp-content/Sborn%C3%ADk-texty-CES_FINAL_N1.pdf Vlčková J. 2017. Global production networks in Visegrad countries: The case of the Visegrad Group. Nakladatelství Oeconomica. World Bank 2018. Exports of goods and services (% of GDP). http://data.worldbank. org/indicator/NE.EXP.GNFS.ZS WTO 2010. Measuring international trade in value added for a clearer view of globali- zation . WTO Paris, 15 October 2010
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