SLP 02 (2013)

examples from the Czech Republic and abroad 1369 it is necessary to reconsider whether it wouldn’t be appropriate to lay the foundations for (legislatively or at least via a start of doctrinal interpretation) the subsidiary applicability of the individual and collective labour law on any personal work performance done by people whose work is pseudo- independent. 1370 Actually, a partial though delegated applicability is included in the Czech legal regulation. 1371 The reason is that if employment protection is to primarily provide for satisfying work conditions and just remuneration for the employees (Art. 28 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Basic Freedoms), then it is hardly acceptable if other people exerting the same work in an economically dependent position would work under dissatisfying work conditions and if these people would be remunerated unjustly. Otherwise there is the danger of the workers who in spite of being employed 1369 Just as there are the workers in Great Britain; situations mixtes in France (Art. L 751, 761-2, 762-1, 763-1, 781-1 and 782 Code du travail); the commercial representative in Iceland (Art 1 Par. 2 of Act Nr. 45/2007); the Italian ., and lavoro progetto ; commercial representatives in Liechtenstein (regulation of § 2 Act on posting workers); the German and Austrian employee-like persons ( arbeitnehmerähnliche Personen e.g. in the regulation of. § 12a subs. 1 par 1 subp. b) Tarifvertragsgesetz (Collective Bargaining Act) – or Art. 10 Par. 1 of the Austrian Chamber of Labour Act; tourist guides in Greece (Art. 37 of Act. Nr. 1545/1985, and concerning further categories of persons also Art. 2 Par. 1 of Act Nr. 385/1976 and Art. 6 Par. 5 of Act Nr. 1597/1986); Swedish contractors,Spanish (Act Nr. 20/2007 Estatuto del trabajo autonomo) and Portugese (Art. 100 Código do Trabalho) semiinferior persons. 1370 Already proposed in Kalenska, M.: Pracovni pravo v tržnim hospodařstvi [Labour Law in Market Economy] , p. 698. See also Barbagelata, H. H.: El futuro del Derecho del Trabajo, X. Congreso Iberamericano de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social, Monteviedo, 1989, p. 27; Beford, S. F.; Budd, J.W.: Invisible Hands, Invisible Objectives: Bringing Workplace Law & Public Policy Into Focus, Standford, Standford University Press, 2009, p. 171; Fudge, J.; Trucker, E.; Vosko, L.: The Legal Concept of Employment: Marginalizing Workers, report for the Law Commission of Canada, 25. 10. 2002, available at: (Cit.: 22. 8. 2012); Supiot, A.: Introducción a las reflexiones sobre el trabajo, 1996, p. 115, Revista International del trabajo, Nr. 6, p. 663; Córdoba, E.: Evolución del Pensamiento Juslaboralista – Estudios en Homenaje al Prof. Héctor-Hugo Barbagelata, El papel de la industrialización y el principio de subordinación en la evolución de la legislación oboral, Monteviedo, FCU 1997, p. 135 and 136; Deakin, S.; Morris, G.: Labour Law, London, Routledge, 2001, p. 168 or Uriarte, O. E.; Alvarez, O.H.: Crítica de la subordinanción, 2003, XLV 206, Revista Derecho Laboral, p. 247. 1371 Compare with the regulation of § 12 zákon o BOZP [Act on Occupational Safety and Health] . Other examples are: the Act on Tertiary Education, which states in § 62 subs. 2 that in the case of a student who exerts practical exercises and work practice, general rules concerning occupational safety and health as well as rules concerning the work conditions of women refer to him. In the footnote, there’s a reference to the regulations of § 132 to 138 and § 150 ZP [Czech Labour Code] of 1965. Furthermore, we could mention the Act on Czech Radio which states in § 9 subs. 3 that, unless this Act states otherwise, the regulations of the Czech Labour Code refer to this institution’s general director; or the regulation of § 220 subs. 2 of the Czech Commercial Code, which delegates the election of members of the negotiating committee representing the employees from the participating corporations and the affected daughter companies as well as the employees working in the company’s organizational bodies. Another example would be the exertion of the so-called productive activity (in Czech: produktivní činnost) in the sense of § 122 of the Education Act (in Czech: školský zákon).


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