Sustainable Solutions for SCM

organisations. Funding often provides the ability and focus for the academic to spend valuable time, when the competing priorities of teaching and research also demand their attention. Funding most commonly applies to cooperation in R&D, commercialisation of licenses or patents or in entrepreneurship, through the creation of a start-up. Funding has been documented as an incentive or driver to encourage academic entrepreneurial activities. The lack of funding can constitute a formal institutional barrier that may deter the intention of the academic to pursue the opportunity if the institution does not provide the appropriate institutional structure to encourage entrepreneurial activity. Marquardt et al.: Driving force or forced transition? The role of development cooperation in promoting energy transitions in the Philippines and Morocco [23] Transition management has been developed as a particular analytical framework for studying the link between niche level experiments and the regime level context in transitions towards sustainability (and sustainable energy supply). The approach is based on earlier transitions studies like strategic niche management, complex systems analysis, or evolutionary theories and models. The empirical focus lies on OECD countries like the Netherlands or Germany. On the one hand, transition management is used as an analytical framework for renewable energy projects in developing countries. On the other hand, the OECD-centric approach is confronted with empirical insights from the developing world. Beyond that, in-depth empirical insights from Morocco and the Philippines should enhance our understanding on the role of development cooperation for promoting energy transitions in developing countries. Addressing global threats like climate change, biodiversity loss or natural resources exploitation requires deep-structural changes, or in other words, “transitions towards sustainability”. Since the beginning of its development in 2001 transition management has evolved as a framework for understanding these transitions and the complex interactions between niche level interventions and system-wide change. Development cooperation projects can be seen as a form of niche experimentation to foster transitions. Although transition management has not received much attention in the field, this approach can be a useful analytical framework for development cooperation. Three crucial commonalities between transition management and development cooperation should be highlighted: 1. Sustainable development goals: Transition management aims to capture all dimensions of sustainability. This goal-oriented perspective represents also the fundamental paradigmbehind current development cooperation and the United Nations post-2015 development agenda (Sustainable Development Goals). 2. Focus on regime level change: Transition management defines a regime shift as the overarching goal for any transition towards sustainability. Success or failure of development cooperation can be assessed by its regime changing effects, e.g. on a country’s electricity system. This broad perspective is similar to discussions around impact evaluations for donor-driven activities. 3. Agents for change: Donors can be framed as agents that create protected niches “in which new socio-technical configurations can grow and conditions


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