Toothless European Citizenship / Šimon Uradnik

This monograph has nevertheless outlined a plethora of paths out of this situation where a person may be deprived of their Union citizenship despite their wishes. Were it for the genuine link; a formation of europaios demos would be essential — on which politicians and other publicly acting persons might elaborate if it were their objective; nonetheless, in this day and age, it is not. Were it for the direct bond; the author has introduced a hypothesis that the only necessity for the true autonomy would be the abolishment of the legal title for the termination of Union citizenship derivative from the termination of the Member State’s nationality. Thereby also former Member State’s national might retain their citizenship of the Union after a loss of the nationality of a Member State. In terms of the other element of the direct bond, another nonvicarious right of Union citizens might, one day, be the right to vote at elections to the European Parliament just when the uniform electoral procedure for the European Parliament is enacted. Whilst Union citizenship is still toothless in protecting both its citizens and itself, it should be remembered that this may not be the ultimate state of affairs.


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