CYIL Vol. 7, 2016

CYIL 7 ȍ2016Ȏ INTERNATIONAL ADMINISTRATIVE LAW AND ADMINISTRATIVE ACTS… uniformity of these proceedings, creating another challenge for future legislative developments in this area. 2. 8. Transterritorial effects of national administrative acts represent another particular visionary feature mentioned by Karl Neumeyer. 52 It is matter of fact that these effects were a subject of interest for several other scholars of administrative law. Prospero Fedozzi 53 and Giuseppe Biscottini 54 presented an overview of acts having transterritorial effects in their works on international administrative law. In principle, the following cases of horizontal transterritorial decision making were identified in these works: (a) administrative acts issued by state authorities with respect to a territory occupied by military force, or with respect to a terra nullius, (b) administrative acts having horizontal transterritorial effects based on provisions of applicable bilateral or multilateral international agreement (cases of a recognition ex contractu or ex lege ), (c) cases, where effects of administrative acts are grandfathered by an international agreement providing for a change of state border, 55 (d) administrative acts which have been formally recognised by another sovereign state (cases of a recognition ex actu ), (e) administrative acts which are addressed to a subject enjoying an “extratrerritorial” status in the host state (an act promoting a diplomatic attaché is given as an example for this category by academic literature 56 ), (f ) administrative acts which are delivered to a subject which, while dwelling in the territory of foreign state, is at the same time subject to obligation under domestic law (the cases of an apparent transterritoriality 57 ), (g) administrative acts having horizontal transterritorial effects of a purely technical 52 NEUMEYER, K. Internationales Verwaltungsrecht, Vierter Band: Allgemeiner Teil, Verlag für Recht und Gesellschaft AG, Zurich, 1936, pp. 299 et seq. 53 FEDOZZI, P. Il diritto amministrativo internazionale: nozioni sistematiche , UnioneTipo-grafica Cooperativa, Perugia, 1901, pp. 163 et seq. 54 BISCOTTINI, G. Diritto amministrativo internazionale , Vol. 2, Casa Editrice dott. Antonio Milani, Padova, 1966, pp. 505 et seq. 55 In this respect, Karl Neumeyer points out the following provisions of the German – Polish Agreement on Upper Silesia (1922): „ Unbeschadet der Bestimmungen des Artikel 256 des Friedensvertrages von Versailles werden Deutschland und Polen die Rechte aller Art und insbesondere die Konzessionen und Privilegien, die vor dem Übergange der Staatshoheit von natürlichen Personen, Gesellschaften oder juristischen Personen erworben worden sind, auf ihrem Teile des Abstimmungsgebiets nach Massgabe der für sie geltenden Gesetze und der nachfolgenden Bestimmungen annerkennen und achten . Polen behält sich für die Dauer von sechs Monaten nach dem Übergange der Staatshoheit das Recht vor, die nach dem 20. Oktober 1921 erteilte Konzessionen und Privilegien zu entziehen, falls der Berechtigte nicht auf Erfordern der zuständigen polnischen Behörde darlegen kann, dass die Erteilung im Rahmen einer ordnungmässigen Verwaltung erfolgt ist.“ 56 VEROSTA, S. Exterritorialität , in: Strupp, K., Schlochauer, H. (eds.) Wörterbuch des Völkerrechts, De Gruyter, Berlin, 1960, pp. 501 et seq. 57 BEITZKE, G. Extraterritoriale Wirkung von Hoheitsakten , in: STRUPP, K., SCHLOCHAUER, H. (eds.) Wörterbuch des Völkerrechts, De Gruyter, Berlin, 1960, pp. 505 et seq.


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