CYIL Vol. 7, 2016

JAN ONDŘEJ – MAGDA UXOVÁ CYIL 7 ȍ2016Ȏ can be classified as crimes against humanity. 10 Other acts are openly terrorist attacks, not only those committed in France but more recent acts and threats. In May 2016 secret services in Germany and Italy warned that the Islamic state is preparing further terrorists attacks on European beaches. (Italy has a specific symbolic value for the Islamic state as Rome is the seat of the Pope, who is understood as the enemy of their faith 11 ) The targets of these attacks should be tourists. Tourist destinations and centers are easy targets as their protection is difficult and there is a large movement of tourists from Western Europe and other countries. 12 On the theme of terrorism it is necessary to say that it is not exclusively a Muslim phenomenon and not all terrorist attacks are committed by supporters of the Islamic state. The Global Terrorism Database provides information, as Todenhofer 13 claims, about 239 cases of acts of terrorism in the West committed in 2013. Only two terrorists arrested were Muslims – the rest were either unknown perpetrators or separatists, left or right wing extremists or other. However, the situation has changed and is changing recently; the activity of the Islamic state fighters is increasing and their attacks are very brutal. From the terrorist point of view the attack can be seen as a rightful reaction on the policy of the West. Terrorists might be led by the idea that terrorism could free the Middle East; however it is the local civilian population which suffers most. 14 Similarly in cases of the bombardment conducted by Western allies in the Middle East. It is also the innocent civilians who suffer most. The same happens during the terrorist attacks in the West where innocent civilians are targeted. They suffer as well in spite of a generally better situation than the civilians in the war zone have. 15 “Terrorists in the Middle East are aware they are a minority. The overwhelming majority of Muslims would prefer to choose a peaceful way to overcome poverty. Terrorism in the Middle East is a minority occurrence but considers the saving of the Muslim world an obligation which they claim they cannot cast off”. 16 Terrorism is unjustifiable, and therefore the acts of the Islamic state cannot be justified in any way. 10 OSN: Islámský stát zotročil tisíce Iráčanů, miliony dalších před džihádisty uprchly. Aktuálně.cz [on- line]. Bagdád: Red Zah, 2016 [cit. 2016-05-20]. Accessible at: -islamsky-stat-zotrocil-tisice-iracanu-miliony-dalsich-pr/r~cb97266abe9811e59d7b0025900fea04/. 11 Izraelský expert: USA nechtějí porazit Islámský stát. Rusko v Sýrii řeší své zájmy. A přestaňme před- stírat, že Turecko je náš spojenec. Parlamentní [online]. 2015 [cit. 2016-05-20]. Accessible at: Rusko-v-Syrii-resi-sve-zajmy-A-prestanme-predstirat-ze-Turecko-je-nas-spojenec-410163. 12 Islámský stát připravuje teroristické útoky na evropské pláže, varují tajné služby. Česko aktuálně [onli- ne]. 2016 [cit. 2016-05-20]. Accessible at: -stat-pripravuje-teroristicke-utoky-na-evropske-plaze-varuji-tajne-sluzby/. 13 TODENHÖFER, Jürgen. Insid e IS – 10 dnů v „Islámském státě“ . Překlad Vítězslav Čížek. Vydání první. Praha: Ikar, 2015. p. 22. 14 Ibid ., p. 23. 15 Ibid ., p. 23. 16 TODENHÖFER, Jürgen. Inside IS – 10 dnů v „Islámském státě“ . Překlad Vítězslav Čížek. Vydání první. Praha: Ikar, 2015. p. 24.


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