2nd ICAI 2022

International Conference on Automotive Industry 2022

Mladá Boleslav, Czech Republic

available to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). After seeing a rapid and substantial return on investment from these technologies, business leaders are now trying to automate other uneconomical processes in their organizations. Autonomous Mobile Robots are collaborative and designed to work with people. Being completely safe is a key feature for collaborative mobile robots that run in a dynamic environment and work with humans. If a person encounters an Autonomous Mobile Robots, the safety laser scanning system interprets the obstruction quickly enough to either redirect or stop completely to prevent a collision. They can be part of a fully automated fleet of robots that transport goods around the warehouse or between the production facility and the warehouse. For example, at Flex’s plant in Austria, two ATRs move materials along a 600-meter section from the warehouse to the product area without interruption, freeing employees from monotonous transportation tasks, and at Magna power, based in New Jersey, two ATRs have released the equivalent of three full-time employees. from the re-transport of low-value components and assemblies so that workers can focus their skills on higher-value activities. The main goal is the transport of material, where there are many opportunities to significantly optimize processes and workflows with Autonomous Mobile Robots. There are several types of autonomous mobile robots. Their parameters depend on their type of use, the size of the load, but also their speed and ability to cooperate with humans. Some types are designed to transport lighter loads over short or longer distances. Most of these robots are designed to transport heavier loads on pallets or separately. In the following pictures you can see some types of these autonomous mobile robots (Mobile Industrial Robots, 2022).

Figure 8: Autonomous mobile robots

Source: https://www.mobile-industrial-robots.com/media/1817439/mir600-1. png?width=950&mode=crop 3.2 Automated guided vehicle

The AGV is a mobile robot, an automatically controlled transport device that can move according to signs or wires placed in the floor or uses a laser to track optical symbols. These are devices that do not require human control. AGVs are currently on the rise as


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