2nd ICAI 2022

International Conference on Automotive Industry 2022

Mladá Boleslav, Czech Republic

5. Conclusion At a time when there is great pressure to improve the economy of the company’s own funds, investing in autonomous logistics systems seems to be the optimal solution for the company. It is very important to manage companies with quality and appropriate systems. Deficiencies in corporate systems can cause production downtime, which can lead to penalties for not delivering products, even to the loss of the customer. The aim of this article was to research the currently available possibilities of using autonomous systems in various areas of logistics. These systems make it possible to shorten and streamline the supply, production, transport, and transportation process. In the article we have described current trends in the field of autonomous systems that are used in practice. Our goal in university is research to better understand the functionality of these autonomous systems and then use the results of the research for the benefit of the faculty and the teaching process. Disclosure statement: No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author. References [1] Veda na dosah, 2010 [online], [cit. 1.11.2022], available from: https://vedanadosah. cvtisr.sk/slovensko-je-na-ceste-za-inteligentnymi-dopravnymi-systemami [2] MOGG Trevor, 2019, Digital trends [online], [cit. 1.11.2022] available from: https://www.digitaltrends.com/cars/watch-volvo-test-its-full-size-driverless-bus-in singapore/ [3] WILSON Antonia, 2020 [online], The Guardian [cit.1.11.2022] available from: https://www.theguardian.com/travel/2020/jan/09/worlds-fastest-driverless automated-bullet-train-launches-beijing-china-olympics [4] TAMAYO Viktor, 2019 [online], Press release [cit. 2.11.2022] available from: https://www.scania.com/content/dam/scanianoe/market/sk/experience-scania/pictures/ press-releases/2019/10/nakladne-vozidlo-bez-kabiny---predstavujeme-koncept-scania axl/Ako-senzory-v-koncepte-Scania-AXL-nahradzaju-ludske-oko_SK.pdf [5] MALIŠKA Roman, 2018 [online], Techpedia [cit. 2.11.2022] available from: https://techpedia.ta3.com/technologie-pre-ludi/novinky/doprava-a-preprava/5656/ v-norsku-nasadia-do-prevadzky-autonomne-elektricke-trajekty [6] https://cdn.ttgtmedia.com/rms/computerweekly/Ocean%20Space%20Drone_ mobile.jpg [7] KALAŠOVÁ Alica, Paweł DROŹDZIEL and Jacek CABAN [online], Svet dopravy [cit. 2.11.2022] available from: http://www.svetdopravy.sk/inteligentne-vozidla ich-buducnost-v-cestnej-doprave/ [8] http://www.svetdopravy.sk/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/obr.1.jpg [9] http://www.svetdopravy.sk/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/obr.4.jpg [10]Mobile industrial robots [online], [cit. 2.11.2022] available from: https://www. mobile-industrial-robots.com/solutions/robots/mir600/ [11]Mobile industrial robots [online], [cit. 2.11.2022] available from: https://www.mobile industrial-robots.com/media/1817439/mir600-1.png?width=950&mode=crop


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