2nd ICAI 2022

International Conference on Automotive Industry 2022

Mladá Boleslav, Czech Republic

The GNSS system is also used in the so-called cooperative systems that are based on communication, not only between the vehicles themselves but also between vehicles and infrastructure. These systems are another major challenge for ITS and promise great benefits in terms of transport system efficiency and road safety. The benefits include increased road network capacity, reduced congestion and pollution, shorter driving times, improved road safety for all road users, lower vehicle operating costs and better organization and management of the road network. In addition to the intelligent vehicle, we must also build intelligent infrastructure. Many larger and medium-sized cities are equipped with progressive adaptive computer traffic management and information systems. More and more European motorway networks are equipped with traffic management, accident detection and travel information, which increases safety and user comfort. The basis for effective traffic management is the availability of real-time traffic information. Traffic data are recorded by detectors installed in critical sections of the road network. Video sensors are increasingly being installed and their data being analysed by image recognition systems. Further advances in mobile communications, traffic management, information and communication technologies will make it possible to avoid traffic disruptions and offer new innovative ways of traffic management. The first vehicles with the Car-to-Car system may appear on the road soon (Svet dopravy, 2021).

Figure 10: Intelligent infrastructure

Source: https://scwcontent.affino.com/AcuCustom/Sitename/DAM/026/PINN_smart_cities_ autonomy_institute_PR_rt.jpg


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