3rd ICAI 2024

International Conference on Automotive Industry 2024

Mladá Boleslav, Czech Republic

• Diversity: Teams can use different programming languages and technologies to develop each service, optimizing for the task at hand. Unlike monolithic architectures, where applications are developed as a single, indivisible unit, microservices allow for greater agility and flexibility. Monolithic systems, while simpler to deploy initially, become unwieldy and difficult to update as they grow. In contrast, microservices enable continuous deployment and scaling of individual components without impacting the entire system(Selmadji et al., 2020). 5.3 Advantages of Microservices in Scalable, Distributed Systems 1. Enhanced Scalability: Microservices can be scaled independently, allowing for efficient use of resources based on demand for specific functions. 2. Resilience: The failure of one service has a limited impact on the overall system, enhancing system resilience. 3. Faster Time to Market: Independent development and deployment of services reduce the time required to introduce new features or updates. 4. Integration of Microservices in Cloud-Based Warehouse Management. How Micro- services Enhance Cloud-Based Systems. The integration of microservices architecture into cloud-based warehouse management systems significantly enhances operational flexibility and efficiency. This approach allows automotive companies to rapidly adapt their warehouse operations to changing market demands, such as the introduction of new vehicle models or shifts in consumer preferences. By decomposing applications into microservices, companies can independently update logistics algorithms, inventory management routines, and interface designs without disrupting the entire system(Jung & Kim, 2014). 5.4 Case Study and Example The case study developed by Mouna Amrou M’hand et al 2019, outlines the design of a tracking architecture tailored for a RoRo terminal, aiming to precisely timestamp vehicles’ movements within the terminal to enhance tracking accuracy, traffic management, and timely check-in procedures. The proposed system employs portals equipped with auto-ID technologies such as barcodes, QR codes, or magnetic ID cards to identify vehicles upon arrival at the main gate. The choice of technology depends on factors like environment, scanning distance, and real-time information needs. The architecture comprises multiple backend microservices orchestrated within Docker containers, ensuring real-time response for effective vehicle tracking and monitoring. Each microservice utilizes different technologies based on specific business requirements, facilitating seamless backend operations.


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