Common European Asylum System in a Changing World

access to the asylum procedure (Article 6) and establishes higher standards for procedural guarantees such as: legal and procedural information free of charge in procedures at first instance (Articles 19 and 21), access to the interview report (Article 17), assessment of the needs for specific procedural guarantee (Article 24), or specific procedures for examining the application of minors (Article 25). To whom Procedural Directive applies, may apply, or does not apply: This Directive shall apply to all applications for international protection made in the territory, including at the border, in the territorial waters, or in the transit zones of the Member States, and to the withdrawal of international protection. This Directive shall not apply to requests for diplomatic or territorial asylum submitted to representations of Member States. Member States may decide to apply this Directive in procedures for deciding on applications for any kind of protection falling outside of the scope of Qualification Directive (2011/95/EU). Procedural directive covers these areas: • Access to the procedure on international protection (Article 6) Making an application for international protection - a request made by a third- country national or a stateless person for protection from a Member State, who can be understood as seeking refugee status or subsidiary protection status. This “making an application” may take various informal forms, such as a piece of paper with the word “asylum”. 2) Registration of the application – not defined by the Directive – but understood as collecting main information on the applicant and registering in the database 3) Lodging an application – not defined by the Directive – but understood as collecting more detailed information about the applicant and the case. In some Member States, all steps may happen at one moment, in other Member Steps two steps may be joint together. The directive imposes time limits for these steps. The Directive distinguishes 3 initial steps in the procedure 1)

• Requirements for the examination of applications (Articles 10, 14, 15, 16, 17, and Article 4 QD) and for the decision (Article 11)

When examining applications for international protection, the determining authority shall first determine whether the applicants qualify as refugees and, if not, determine whether the applicants are eligible for subsidiary protection. Member States shall ensure that decisions by the determining authority on applications for international protection are taken after an appropriate examination : (a) applications are examined and decisions are taken individually, objectively, and impartially ;


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