Common European Asylum System in a Changing World

(b) precise and up-to-date information is obtained from various sources, such as EASO and UNHCR; (c) the personnel examining applications and taking decisions know the relevant standards applicable in the field of asylum and refugee law; (d) the personnel examining applications and taking decisions have the possibility to seek advice , whenever necessary, from experts on particular issues, such as medical, cultural, religious, child-related, or gender issues. Before a decision is taken by the determining authority, the applicant shall be given the opportunity of a personal interview on their application for international protection. A personal interview shall take place under conditions which ensure appropriate confidentiality. The determining authority shall ensure that the applicant is given an adequate opportunity to present elements needed to substantiate the application . Either a thorough and factual report containing all substantive elements or a transcript shall be made of every personal interview or Member States may provide for audio or audio-visual recording of the personal interview.

? Check Article 4 of the Qualification Directive (2011/95/EU)

! Other rules on how to examine the application are also contained in Article 4 of the Qualification Directive.

Decisions on applications for international protection must be given in writing. When an application is rejected  the reasons in fact and in law have to be stated in the decision, and  information on how to challenge a negative decision must be given in writing.

• Guarantees for applicants and their obligations (esp. Articles 12, 13, and 20)

The Directive imposes a variety of necessary guarantees applicants shall enjoy, such as:  Information on the procedure  Interpreting services  Communication with a legal adviser, NGOs and UNHCR  Notification of the decision  Access to free legal aid under certain conditions in the appeal stage The obligations aim at ensuring appropriate cooperation of the applicant with the determining authority – handing over the documents, address notification, etc.

Types of procedures

The Directive distinguishes between 4 main types of procedures at first instance : 1) In merit examination – “founded or unfounded” applications . This is the main path in which the majority of applications are examined. The authority examines the reasons for the application and decides whether to grant refugee/subsidiary


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