CYIL Vol. 4, 2013


CYIL 4 ȍ2013Ȏ

4. Conclusion Having discussed the principle of universal jurisdiction and the core international crimes, one can conclude that universal jurisdiction is playing a growing role in the emerging system of international accountability for heinous offences. However, the list of serious crimes under international criminal law is constantly evolving and new crimes are becoming a threat to the international community. The challenge is therefore to define the content and scope of these crimes and to clarify when and how universal jurisdiction can be exercised. Universal jurisdiction, along with the principle of aut dedere aut judicare , obligations erga omnes and jus cogens , might be viewed as a doctrinal “siblings” who all have the common goals to maintain international peace and security. When analyzing universal jurisdiction, all of these doctrines should be taken into account as important pillars in the fight against impunity. Despite a few impediments on the exercise of universal jurisdiction, such as immunities of high-ranking state officials, or political and other legal considerations, the application and acceptance of universal jurisdiction will grow even more because it in the best interest of all nations to combat impunity.

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