CYIL Vol. 4, 2013



Literature CASSESE, Antonio: Cassese’s International Criminal Law . 3 rd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. CRYER, Robert et al .: An Introduction to International Criminal Law and Procedure . 2 nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010. BANTEKAS, Ilias: International Criminal Law . 4 th ed. United Kingdom: Hart Publishing, 2010. DIXON, Martin: Textbook on International Law . 6 th ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. MACEDO, Stephen (ed.): Universal Jurisdiction: National Courts and the Prosecution of Serious Crimes Under International Law. Philadelphia: University of Philadelphia Press, 2004. REYDAMS, Luc: Universal Jurisdiction: International and Municipal Legal Perspective. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003. SHAW, Malcolm N.: International Law. 6 th ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008. Journal articles AKEHURST, Michael: Jurisdiction in International Law. British Year Book of International Law , Vol. 46, 1972-1973, pp. 145-258. BAUMRUK, Petra: International Law on Immunities Accorded to High-ranking State Officials. In ŠTURMA, Pavel et. al. (eds.): Czech Yearbook of Public & Private International Law . Vol. 3, Prague, 2012, pp. 174-190. BASSIOUNI, M. Cherif: Accountability for International Crimes and Serious Violations of Fundamental Human rights: International Crimes: Jus Cogens and Obligation Erga Omnes. Law & Contemporary Problems , Vol. 59 (4), 1996, pp. 63-74. BASSIOUNI, M. Cherif: Universal Jurisdiction for International Crimes: Historical Perspectives and Contemporary Practice. Virginia Journal of International Law, Vol. 42 (1), 2001, pp. 81-162. BASSIOUNI, M. Cherif: The History of Universal Jurisdiction and Its Place in International Law. In MACEDO, Stephen (ed.): Universal Jurisdiction: National Courts and the Prosecution of Serious Crimes Under International Law. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2004, pp. 39-63. BROWN, Bartram S.: The Evolving Concept of Universal Jurisdiction. New England Law Review, Vol. 35 (2), 2000-2001, pp. 383-397. COLANGELO, Anthony J.: The Legal Limits of Universal Jurisdiction. Virginia Journal of International Law , Vol. 47, 2006-2007, pp. 881-926.

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