CYIL vol. 12 (2021)

victoria v. romanova CYIL 12 (2021) national level. However, a question arises as to whether the existing legal regulation extends to hydrogen produced with the use of nuclear power facilities. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to analyze the current legal regulation of hydrogen energetics. 3. Legal regulation of hydrogen energetics at the national and international levels Currently, there are no international conventions dedicated to nuclear power production and use. There is no uniform definition of hydrogen, including that produced with the use of nuclear power facilities; there are no uniform requirements to the content of legal frameworks for hydrogen related to production, delivery, transportation, and storage. There are no uniform requirements for the safety of facilities for hydrogen energy use or for responsibility of responsibilities established related to hydrogen production, delivery, transportation or storage. Hence, the results of scientific research conducted by specialists in other areas of expertise will be very important for the legal framework formation, as well as the considerable benefits brought by interdisciplinary research. The roadmap Development of Hydrogen Energy in the Russian Federation until 2024 was approved on October 12, 2020, by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 2634-p. 13 Its objective is to organize top-priority work on the formation of high-performance export-oriented hydrogen energetics developed on the basis of state-of-the-art technology and staffed with highly skilled personnel. The roadmap’s objective is achieved, inter alia , by the enhancement of a regulatory and legal framework, formation and implementation of measures for state support of the projects on hydrogen production, storage, transportation and use, as well as advancing research and development work. Further, the roadmap includes an evaluation of the completeness and validity of the regulatory and legal framework, preparation of amendments to the regulatory legal acts, development of requirements for safety control of new reactor facilities and the corresponding new technologies of nuclear-hydrogen energy. The development of the concept of safety assurance in the course of hydrogen production, storage and transportation at nuclear power plants is also considered. This issue can be resolved after the definition of hydrogen produced, inter alia , at nuclear energy facilities is clearly established and there are set requirements to the legal framework of hydrogen, as well as to the legal framework of the nuclear energy application facilities that are used or built for hydrogen production. Its resolution includes the legal framework of transportation infrastructure facilities used for hydrogen transfer, as well as hydrogen storage facilities. Let’s review the scope of the conventions in the sphere of nuclear energy use. According to Article 3 of the Convention on Nuclear Safety of 1994 , this convention refers to the safety of nuclear facilities. A “nuclear facility” is defined as any land-based civil nuclear power plant under the jurisdiction of a convention member-state, including storage facilities and facilities for radioactive material processing and recycling located at the same site and directly related nuclear-power-plants-commissioning-and-operation; Periodic Safety Review for Nuclear Power Plants 2016//, etc. 13 Official web-portal of legal information, October 22, 2020. 4. Possible extension of the current international legal regulation on hydrogen energetics


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