CYIL vol. 12 (2021)

Jindřich Psutka CYIL 12 (2021) The impact of the adoption of the Framework Agreement between the Czech Republic and Germany on cross-border cooperation in the field of emergency medical services on the organization and provision of emergency medical services in the Czech Republic Jindřich Psutka Abstract: The article focuses on the effects of the adoption of the International Framework Agreement between the Czech Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany on cross- border cooperation in the field of emergency medical services. It is an intergovernmental agreement aimed at strengthening mutual cooperation in the provision of emergency medical services between the Czech Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany. Within the interpretation, closer attention is paid mainly to the definition of the legal framework for the functioning of the Czech emergency medical service in the border area after the adoption of this contract. The subject of closer examination, especially in the Framework Agreement, is the relatively narrow structure of cross-border cooperation. Resumé: Článek se zaměřuje na dopady přijetí Mezinárodní rámcové dohody mezi Českou republikou a Spolkovou republikou Německo na přeshraniční spolupráci v oblasti zdravot- nické záchranné služby. Jde o mezivládní dohodu zaměřenou na posílení vzájemné spolu- práce při poskytování zdravotnické záchranné služby mezi Českou republikou a Spolko- vou republikou Německo. Bližší pozornost je v rámci výkladu věnována zejména vymezení právního rámce fungování české zdravotnické záchranné služby v příhraničí po přijetí této smlouvy. Předmětem bližšího zkoumání, zejména v Rámcové dohodě, je poměrně úzká struktura přeshraniční spolupráce. Key words: emergency medical service – health care – framework contract – cross – border cooperation About the author: JUDr. Jindřich Psutka, Ph.D. wo rks as a senior lecturer at the Department of Civil Law, Faculty of Law, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen. 1. Introductory outline of the issue The right of every person to health protection follows in the legal order of the Czech Republic primarily from Article 31 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms (No. 2/1993 Coll.). The generally formulated right to health protection is also enshrined in a number of international treaties by which the Czech Republic is bound. 1 More detailed health protection conditions are then regulated in health regulations at the level of national law. EU law also affects the provision of health services. However, with some simplification, it can be stated that the organization of the provision of healthcare is left to individual Member States. This also follows from Article 168 (7) of the Treaty on the Functioning of 1 Cf. eg Articles 11 and 13 of the European Social Charter (No. 14/2000 Coll.i.t.) or Article 3 of the Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine (No. 96/2001 Coll.i.t.).


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