CYIL vol. 8 (2017)

CYIL 8 ȍ2017Ȏ MIGRANT INTEGRATION AS A NEW EU AGENDA projects indicate that migrant integration may serve as a vehicle for the distribution of public funds and the diffusion of a multicultural ideology. Thus, the current debate on integration law may turn into a new arena for the old conflict between the promotion of a common multi-cultural, multi-ethnical and multi-religious European identity, on the one hand, and the preservation of specific national identities, on the other hand. From a strictly legal perspective, a significant EU involvement in the field of migrant integration is not appropriate. Comprehensive integration strategies shall be developed with respect to the value system of the Member States, their different historical and cultural backgrounds, their different economic resources and their constitutional identity. However, there is an undeniable link between the EU common migration and asylum policy and the Member States’ integration policies. As long as Member States will continue to solve the issue of integration so differently, the functioning of the common migration and asylum policy will be at stake. Naturally, migrants and asylum seekers will try to live in those Member States which offer more favourable conditions for their integration. The ongoing migration and refugee crisis in Europe has shown that if migrant integration is treated as an exclusive national agenda there will be significant divergences concerning numbers of migrants. The current solidarity debate within the EU may be seen a result of this dilemma. Therefore, from a political perspective, EU involvement in the field of migrant integration is necessary. It remains to be hoped that such involvement will sufficiently reflect different Member State positions and will not be abused to forcefully impose the ideology of multiculturalism.


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