CYIL vol. 9 (2018)

CYIL 9 ȍ2018Ȏ


EXPERIMENTS WITH INTERNATIONAL ADMINISTRATION IN THE PARIS PEACE TREATIES: A STUDY IN INTERNATIONAL ADMINISTRATIVE LAW Jakub Handrlica Abstract: The Peace Treaties concluded at the Paris Peace Conference 1919-1920 addressed needs for neutral control of specific territories in several cases by establishing a legal framework for international administration. This was the cases of administration of the rivers Elbe and Oder by international commissions established by the Treaty of Versailles of 1920. The Straits Commission, established by the Treaty of Sèvres of 1920 to administer the Turkish Straits (the Bosporus and Dardanelles), do represent another salient example of international administration imposed to waterways. Other examples of international administration were intended to be only provisional, as was the case of the International Commission established to administer the plebiscite territory of Upper Silesia. This article aims to deal with this new model of administration, introduced in bigger scale as consequence of the Paris Peace Treaties and with its impact to the further developments in international law. Resumé: Mírové smlouvy, uzavřené na Pařížské mírové konferenci v letech 1919-1920, se mimo jiné musely vyrovnat s potřebou zajistit neutrální kontrolu určitých specifických úze- mí. Tato potřeba byla ve smlouvách řešena prostřednictvím zřízení orgánů mezinárodní správy: Příkladem mohou být mezinárodní komise pro správu řek Labe a Odra, zřízené Versailleskou mírovou smlouvou, a mezinárodní komise pro správy Bosporu a Dardanel, zřízená Sèvreskou smlouvou. Lze uvést ještě i příklad mezinárodní komise, zřízené za úče- lem dočasné správy Horního Slezska. Příspěvek se věnuje fenoménu mezinárodní správy a jeho významu pro další rozvoj mezinárodního práva. Key Words: international administration, international commissions, river commissions, international administrative law. About the Author: doc. JUDr. Jakub Handrlica, Ph.D. is Associated Professor at the Department of Administrative Law and Administrative Science, Faculty of Law, Charles University in Prague. Email: Introduction Pursuant to the classical theories of administrative law ( droit administratif, Verwaltungsrecht, dirrito amministrativo ), the territory was to be administered exclusively by a sovereign State. Consequently, classical theories did not paid attention to other forms of administration, 1 leaving them to become subject of attention of international law. However, since the 1900s, scholars 2 started to deal with these specific forms of administration also from the point of view 1 Condominiums (or coimperiums), terrae nullius , protectorates, free ports, different forms of lease and pledge of the State territories etc. 2 FEDOZZI, P.: Il Diritto Amministrativo Internazionale (Nozioni Sistematiche) (Unione Tipografica Cooperativa 1901), GEMMA, S.: Prime linee di un diritto internazionale amministrativo (Libreria Seeber 1902), KAZANSKY, P.: ‘Théorie de l’administration internationale’ [1902] Revue générale de droit international 1.


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