ŠAVŠ/TAČR Digital Czechia in a Digital Europe
British Approach – Government Digital Service in the Cabinet Office
Another representative of the centralized approach to e-Government is the United Kingdom. The Cabinet Office bears all responsibility for the efficiency of the public administration and the reform agenda with the aim of improving the functioning of the government. The e-Government section falls under the responsibility of the Minister for the Cabinet Office. The Government Digital Service , which manages all ICT applications in public administration, also operates within the government cabinet. Its duties are: • operating the gov.uk website, where comprehensive information on government services is available, • cooperation with other branches of government to simplify and improve public services, • building cross-sectoral platforms such as gov.uk Verify – verifying users whether they are who they claim to be, • modifying the data so that it is suitable and usable for all user groups, • helping other departments and services to make informed quality decisions and ensure that information technology is a tool and not a barrier. Threenetworks in theUnitedKingdomare responsible for the implementation. They are: a) the Technology Leaders Network, b) Digital Leaders Network, and c) Data Leaders Network. The Technology Leaders Network was established in 2013 as the leading technology body to provide the government with the right technologies to provide digital services. This network is managed by the Government Digital Service. The Digital Leaders Network was established to support the digital agenda across the government. It is managed by the Government Digital Service and works closely with the technology leaders network. The Data Leaders Network was established to ensure the access of public administration units to the use and management of data for the quality application of operational measures .
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