1st ICAI 2020

International Conference on Automotive Industry 2020

Mladá Boleslav, Czech Republic

Figure 2: Estimate of the Development of the Share of New Electric Passenger Car Registrations in Total New Registrations of Passenger Cars in the Czech Republic

Source: Own elaboration (2020); the projection takes into account the milestones in EU regulations, which are for 2021, followed by 2025 and 2030 (see above). Therefore, the number of new cars powered with electricity (BEVs and plug-in hybrids) registered in the year 2030 will be 83,647 and the share of electrically powered cars in the entire vehicle fleet will be 6.1% (meaning 409,315 electric cars on the road in the Czech Republic). In 2040, 181,716 new electric cars will be registered and the share of electric cars in the entire fleet will increase to 23.9% (i.e, 1,763,000 electric cars in operation). Table 1: Projection of the Number of New Passenger Electric Vehicles Registered and Their Total Number in the Czech Republic to 2040 (If the Number of New Passenger Cars in the Czech Republic Increases by 1% per Year through 2040)

The share of newly registered electric vehicles in total new car sales in the Czech Republic

Number of newly registered electric vehicles in the Czech Republic

Number of electric vehicles in operation in the Czech Republic

The share of electric vehicles in the total fleet in the Czech Republic


2020 2025 2030 2035 2040

6 310


9 510

0.2% 2.1% 6.1%

35 814 83 647 130 405 181 716

13.5% 30.0% 44.5% 59.0%

130 892 409 315 958 915


1 763 000 23.9% Source: Own elaboration (2020), base year for calculation: 2019; electric vehicle = battery electric vehicle (BEV) and plug-in hybrid (PHEV)


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