1st ICAI 2020

International Conference on Automotive Industry 2020

Mladá Boleslav, Czech Republic

3.3 Estimate of the Development of Electricity Consumption by Electric Passenger Cars in the Czech Republic The spread of average overall consumption of electrical energy by individual models of BEVs is relatively significant. For example, according to calculations of the German automobile club ADAC (2020), the consumption of electricity by 17 BEVs tested in actual operation ranged from 14.7 to 28.1 kWh per 100 km (averaging 20.6 kWh/100 km). For the following estimate we assume that the average consumption of an electric car in actual operation will be 20 kWh per 100 km and one car will travel 17,500 km per year. If the overall number of electric vehicles in operation in the Czech Republic develops according to our estimates above, then the total consumption of electrical energy by electric passenger cars in the Czech Republic will be 0.5 TWh in 2025, 1.4 TWh in 2030 and 6.2 TWh in 2040.

Figure 3: Total Electricity Consumption by Electric Cars in the Czech Republic in MWh

Source: Own elaboration (2020) 3.4 Impact of growth in electricity consumption due to the development of electric vehicles in the Czech Republic The total production of electricity in the Czech Republic has remained roughly constant over the past decade and has varied from 82 to 88 TWh per year (Czech Statistical Office, 2020). Total imports of electricity to the Czech Republic in 2018 were 11.6 TWh, while the country exported 25.5 TWh. The Czech Republic is self- sufficient in the production of electric power. Net consumption of electricity in the Czech Republic has for the most part tracked its economic development. It fell after the world economic crisis of 2009 but in more recent years has begun to increase again. Consumption of electrical energy should grow over the next 20 years in the Czech Republic and the rise of electric vehicles should contribute to that significantly. According to the State Energy Plan for the Czech Republic adopted in 2015 (Ministry of Industry and Trade, 2015), the net consumption of electricity in the Czech Republic should increase to 70 TWh in 2030 and reach 74 TWh per year in 2040 (in the reference scenario). An evaluation of the supply capacity of the energy infrastructure


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