In case of answers 6 a) 1. Please specify what you use an electronic identity card for or what services you use:
Please specify ………
In case of answers 6 b) and 6 a) 3. Please state the reasons why you do not have an identity card with a contact electronic chip, or you do not have an electronic chip activated (you can mark more than one option): 1. I still have an old identity card, and I don’t want to change it. 2. I don’t need it. 3. I don’t know about the option. 4. I haven’t thought about it yet. 5. I plan to get it in the future, but currently I only need a “traditional” identity card. 6. I consider its use complicated/demanding. 7. I prefer to handle matters in person at the office. 8. I’m concerned about the security of personal data. 9. I don’t know, what purpose the electronic identity card serves 10. Other reasons (please specify what) ………………………………………
7) Do you know the benefits of an electronic identity card?
Please fill in ………
8) Have you visited the “Public Administration Portal” website and used it to obtain information? (open data, forms for citizens, newsletters, etc.)
a) Yes, I use the portal regularly. b) Yes, but I only visited it once. c) Yes, but I don’t use it. d) No, I’ve never visited it, but I know what it is. e) No, I don’t know, what it is.
9) Have you visited the “Citizen’s Portal” website and are you using it? (online tax return for personal income tax, inspection of registers, applications to the CSSA, driver’s demerit points, etc.) a) Yes, I use the Citizen’s Portal regularly. b) Yes, I’ve visited it at least once. c) Yes, I logged in, but I didn’t use the services that were offered.
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