In the first part of the survey, we investigated the general attitudes of government offices to the digitalization of public administration , and the results show that, in this regard, the respondents are clearly positive (for citizens and the functioning of the office), although they are currently critical of the level of digitalization of public administration – 66% of respondents view the current level as relatively poor or even very poor . Staffing certainly contributes to the success of the digitalization of public administration and self-government. The results show that in the vast majority of cases, a maximum of 5 people (70%) are employed in the position of ICT specialist in the government offices, in 4% of cases nobody at all. ICT department with more than 10 employees can only be found among 12% of respondents. Of course, the results correlate with the size of the municipality – in the case of municipalities with 20,000 inhabitants or less, in 95% of cases they have up to 5 employees (more often 0–2), in municipalities with more than 20,000 inhabitants there are most often 6 or more ICT staff members (57% of respondents). One positive finding is that about half of the respondents send their employees to retrain in ICT skills (in municipalities with more than 20,000 inhabitants, it is even 65% of respondents). There are 10% of offices where employees are not trained (usually due to lack of funds). Another positive finding is the fact that the majority of respondents in municipalities have sufficient infrastructure for high-speed internet (68% of respondents) and that there are more providers of high-speed internet connection (3 or more providers in 85% of respondents). It should also be noted that no major differences in relation to the size of the municipality were noted. Where the influence of the size of the municipality is more obvious is the area of electronic data collection – in municipalities with 20,000 inhabitants or less, 28% of respondents apply for it. However, inmunicipalities withmore than 20,000 inhabitants, it is already true for 62% of respondents. It most often concerns data on the energy performance of buildings, energy consumption, air quality, transport, and parking , and last but not least on meteorological information . Regarding the publication of open data , the results were found in a similar proportion – inmunicipalitieswith 20,000 inhabitants or less: 26% of respondents provide these on their websites; in municipalities with more than 20,000 inhabitants, the share is slightly higher – 40% of respondents. They are most often economic data, information on the management of the municipality and its budget, information from council meetings and information on public procurement . Last but not least, it is also a matter of publishing mandatory information , and an official notice board is also available. In the area of the digital records management , this is usually not connected to a higher territorial self-government unit (80% of respondents) – however, it cannot be clearly confirmed that there would be interest in a centralized digital record management (only 60% of respondents are interested).


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