Pavel Šturma for ILC UN 2021
"I have known Professor Šturma for over three decades. Holder of the Chair of Public International Law at the prestigious Charles University Law School in Prague, he is a highly motivated and dedicated academic and scholar, combining his research in, and teaching of, international law with its practice, in government, international organizations, and international dispute settlement mechanisms. Professor Šturma, who early on, during his doctoral studies, closely followed and studied the work of the International Law Commission – his PhD dissertation was on International Liability as being codified by the Commission – has now gained practical experience of the Commission’s workings, having been an active member since 2012 and its Chairman in 2019. He has devoted himself fully to the work of the Commission, has actively partici- pated in its work and has made various contributions to the advancement of the progressive development of inter- national law and its codification, in particular as the Special Rapporteur on the topic Succession of States in respect of State responsibility. I have no doubt that the Commission will further benefit from his contributions if he is re-elected for another term."
peter tomka Judge and former president of the international court of Justice
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