Pavel Šturma for ILC UN 2021
“Having cooperated closely with Professor Pavel Šturma for a number of years, I consider him to be a distinguished scholar who has been able to bring his extensive knowledge of international law into practice during his work for the Government of the Czech Republic, as well as international organizations. Beside numerous other responsibilities and functions, he is currently holder of the Chair of Public International Law at the Charles University Law School in Prague and a member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague. Professor Šturma has been an active member of the International Law Commission since his election in 2011 and, following his re-election in 2016, as the Special Rapporteur for the topic “Succession of States in respect of State responsibility” he has made a substantive contribution to its outcomes. In addition, in his capacity as Chair of the Commission, he successfully steered this important UN organ during the difficult times of COVID-19 pandemics. Taking into account the latest activities of the International Law Commission, it is my opinion that the role of the Commission is changing. As the key branches of international law are codified, there is a low demand of States for the creation of new treaties. Nevertheless, this development does not make the Commission any less important, quite the opposite. The Commission has entered a new phase of its existence when its outcomes will include – besides draft articles – various guidelines, draft principles and studies on current international law issues. Furthermore, the activities of the Commission comprise the areas of international law that have not been at the center of its work before, such as human rights, international criminal law and international environmental law. In this context, I believe that Professor Šturma is the right expert for these new tasks of the Commission given his professional background and deep insight into many areas of international law. As such, I am convinced that the re-election of Professor Šturma to the International Law Commission for the term 2023-2027 would serve both the needs of the UN members and the Commission itself.”
petr Válek Director of the international law Department ministry of foreign affairs of the czech republic
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