CYIL Vol. 7, 2016

CYIL 7 ȍ2016Ȏ ISLAMIC STATE, AN ACTOR THREATENING PEACE IN THE MIDDLE EAST It is necessary to admit that there are other countries apart from the Islamic state where sharia law is fully observed. For example, Saudi Arabia or Iran. However, on the territory of the Islamic state violent acts are committed against Muslims who are according to sharia sanctioned if they behave in accordance with the sharia law. Infringements of the religious rules are also punished in Saudi Arabia. A recent case, for example, is the accusation of a Saudi of atheism. He was sentenced to 2000 lashes, 10 years in jail and a penalty of twenty thousand Saudi rials. This man was accused of atheism, and he did not deny it. He expressed his ideas on the social network Twitter and he denied the existence of God, made fun of the Quran, etc. 7 As the Caliphate was proclaimed on the territory under control of the Islamic state, this can be considered a threat for the world. 8 This could be a serious threat as, according to its founders, the Caliphate should be extended onto those territories which should be steadily conquered. This poses a serious threat to international security. Some important Islamic scholars themselves condemned the creation of the Caliphate on the territory of the Islamic state, especially due to the self-proclamation of the Calipha (Bakr Bagdádí). Some scholars even consider the Islamic state a non-Muslim organization because it does not protect Muslims and lets them die. 9 States whose territories were taken by the Islamic state will certainly not leave these territories in its hands, and there are heavy fights which cause death and suffering not only of fighters and soldiers but also civilians. The current immigration wave into Europe is partially caused by these conflicts. It is, however, clear that the number of immigrants is much higher than the number of those who are directly threatened by these conflicts and whose basic human rights are violated. Islamic state and its supporters committed a series of acts that can be characterized as violation of human rights and international humanitarian law. According to the UN, radical Islamists caused the death of at least 18,800 people in less than two years on the territories which they conquered From the beginning of 2014 until October 2015 about 3.5 million people were forced to leave their home because of the war. Atrocities (chopping of heads, burning) and also sexual violence on women and kidnapping of children and youth and their forced military training are acts which 7 Saúdská Arábie: 28letý ateista odsouzen k 2000 ranám bičem a 10 rokům vězení. WERNER, Honza. Ateisté ČR [online]. Praha, 2016 [cit. 2016-05-20]. Accessible at: saudska-arabie-28lety-ateista-odsouzen-k-2000-ranam-bicem-a-10-rokum-vezeni/#comments. 8 Chalífát znamená vyhlášení války, varuje expert. [online]. Londýn: Novinky, 2014 [cit. 2016-05-20]. Accessible at: fat-znamena-vyhlaseni-valky-varuje-expert.html. 9 Islámský stát je hrozbou pro celý svět, varuje Irák. Mapa chalífátu zahrnuje i Evropu. [on- line]. Bagdád: Novinky, 2014 [cit. 2016-05-20]. Accessible at: blizky-a-stredni-vychod/340878-islamsky-stat-je-hrozbou-pro-cely-svet-varuje-irak-mapa-chalifatu- -zahrnuje-i-evropu.html.


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