Sborník č. 51

Abstract Household debt is a phenomenon that accompanies our modern history since the fall of totalitarianism through the creation of an independent Czech Republic. Households in the Czech Republic exhibit increasing debt, but the phenomenon is not explicitly negative. First, because most household debt goes to investment in private housing (¾ of debt is to live in), secondly because the overall household debt in the last three years has slowed down. Purchase of own apartment and the house is undoubtedly the biggest investment the average person can in your life to do so. This is one of the major life steps. It can not be thus treated the same eyes as the purchase of consumer goods or holidays. Buying your own home is but an investment that should bring improvements. The money invested should be a homeowner in the future profits. In this work it was calculated that household debt in 2012 was 1,165.2 billion amount of CZK in 2013, then 1236.5 billion CZK. Awareness, treatment conditions for lending and regulatory environment is mainly the domain of the state. The State itself does not give its citizens a good example too, when his own debt is increasing. The calculation in this work were found to value government debt CZK 1,782.6 billion in 2012 respectively. 2,119.3 billion CZK in 2013. Public debt grew throughout the duration of the Czech Republic, yet we doing compared to other European countries quite well. Concerns remain, however, the dynamics of growth of state debt and state investment direction. If you can not change the pace of debt, it should be to try to change their investment goals, restructure spending to go more into areas where they can bring profit. The best area for investment by the State sees the author of this work schools and educational institutions, the increasing knowledge of the population. It would be appropriate to invest in setting high schools and other educational institutions so that the results of their research could be used for state needs. He could then save on a variety of services, eg investment in transport infrastructure. 3. Místo Majetkové daně v celosvětovém kontextu Patrik Stonjek – 2. ročník Anotace V této práci se autor zabývá problematikou majetkových daní, konkrétně daně z ne- movitostí v globálním rozměru. Hlavním cílem tohoto elaborátu je seznámení čtenářů s materií úpravy daně z ne- movitostí v různých státech světa, převážně členských zemí Organizace pro hospodář- skou spolupráci a rozvoj (OECD) a Evropské unie. Těžiště práce spočívá v komparaci vyměření daňového základu daně z nemovitostí, její sazby, určení příjemců těchto finančních prostředků z ní plynoucích a jejich výše.


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