Sborník č. 51
codified in Czech Law. Part Three is an analysis of selected problems which exists in Czech rules of evidence in respect of antitrust claims for damages. Chapter Three discusses the American attitude to rules of evidence. Conclusions are drawn in Chapter Four. The study emphasizes that Czech rules of evidence are in breach of European Union Law. According to the author of this study the optimal solution lies in the possibility of turning over the burden of proof and following the rules of evidence as they were proposed by American Law Institution and UNIDROIT. 3. Místo Sankční náhrada škody – pojem a komparace právních úprav v USA, SRN a ČR Jaroslav Čech – 5. ročník Anotace Práce se věnuje pojmu sankční náhrada škody a využívání tohoto institutu ve Spojených státech amerických, Spolkové republice Německo, Spojeného království a České republi- ce. V práci jsou k ilustraci rozdílů mezi právními úpravami používány judikáty, které nejvíce ovlivnily směřování tohoto právního institutu. Abstract The work is dedicated to the concept of punitive damages and use of this concept in the United States, the Federal Republic of Germany, the United Kingdom and the Czech Republic. The work is to explain the differences between the laws introducing some of the case law that most influenced the course of this legal concept.
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